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Upcoming Presentations

Identification, Spectatorship, and the Role of Virtual Reality in Collegiate Esports Fandom

Burrell, S., Cote, A., Rahman, M., and Foxman, M. (upcoming 2022). Paper accepted to the 2022 National Communication Association Conference.…

June 22, 2022

Quaranteenage Wasteland: Collegiate Esports Programs’ Challenges and Opportunities During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Cote, A., Can, O., Harris, B., Hansen. J., Rahman, M, and Fickle, T. (upcoming 2022). Paper presented at the 72nd…

Previous Presentations

June 22, 2022

Esports Fandom: Collegiate Program Influence on Perceptions of Host Institutions

Rahman, M., Wear, H., Burrell, S., Hansen, J., Harris, B., Can, O., and Cote, A, (upcoming 2022). Poster presented at…

The virtual front porch: An analysis of the impact of collegiate esports on university identification.

Rahman, M., Wear, H., Foxman, M., Hansen, J., Harris, B., Can, O., and Cote, A. (2022, June 3). Paper presented…

October 16, 2021

Recasting Collegiate Esports: Independence and Interdependence of University Twitch Streamers

Foxman, M., Cote, A., Can, O., Harris, B., Rahman, W., Hansen, J., and Fickle, T. (2021). Paper presented at AoIR…

Cognitive Capitalism in Collegiate Esports

Can, O., Rahman, W., Hansen, J., Harris, B., Fickle, T., Cote A., Foxman, M. (2021). Paper presented at the 71st…

Taking Care of Toxicity: Challenges and Strategies for Inclusion in Collegiate Esports Programs

Cote, A., Hansen, J., Harris, B., Rahman, W., Can, O., Fickle, T., Foxman, M. (2021). Paper presented at the 71st…

Out of Bounds: Reconceiving the Institution of Esports

Foxman, M., Fickle, T., Harris B. (2021). Paper presented at the 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference, Virtual, May, 2021.

The legitimizing labor of collegiate esports students: Critical insights for continued institutionalization

Harris, B., Hansen, J., Can, O. Rahman, W., Fickle, T., Cote A., Foxman, M. (2021). Paper presented at the 71st…

October 27, 2020

A collegiate esports ecosystem: Exploring possibilities & challenges for universities and businesses

Can, O., Harris, B., Rahman, W., Hansen, J., Foxman, M., Wear, H., Cote, A., & Fickle, T. (2020). Paper presented…

October 22, 2020

All play & all work: The entrepreneurial mindset of collegiate esports participants

Harris, B., Hansen, J., Can, O., Rahman, W., Foxman, M., Cote, A., & Fickle, T. (2020). Paper presented at the…

For the Win: Critical Concerns of Collegiate Esports Players

Foxman, M., Cote, A., Wear H., Harris, B., Can, O., Hansen, J., & Rahman, W., (2020). Paper presented at the…